C-level managers

C-Level Managers

The purpose of the following project is to create a process for future classes to follow. The future classes must start a "business" and the following process is for "C-Level Managers" to follow and manage the business.

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Median Income

What Effects does Median Income Have On an Individual

Using ANOVA test, a 2-sample test, and a regression test, this project answer what effects median income have on region, urban indicator, and percent of college graduate. This is important to know because it will allow the government and society to cater to the needs of each income bracket.

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Chicago Crimes

Chicago Crimes Data Mining

Using the decision tree classification, which is a data mining method, the report is able to help individuals see which type of crimes (primary type) will most likely occur in their desired Chicago neighborhood. This dataset of crimes in Chicago from 2001 to 2018 is provided by the City of Chicago.

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Life Expectancy

Which Factors Affect the Average Life Expectancy the Most in a State

The purpose of this study is to target key factors that have a relationship with average life expectancy to inform the general population, and to inform decision makers 50 counties in Missouri (MO) and validate the model using 65 other counties in Missouri. It is important to understand what factors can increase or decrease life expectancy in order to live longer.

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Agile Methodology Project

The following document was for a System Analysis & Design class. During this class we followed SCRUM methodoly in order to create a new system for a real estate company called "Home Sweet Home". The following document contains many diagrams such as use-case, deployment, and context diagrams. It also contains a product backlog, cashflow, and gantt chart. We created the prototype using C#.

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The Jaywalkers

The Jaywalkers database

This database is very useful for the music company in order to find ways to improve the company and make the lives of the customers and employees easier. This database will also be able to better focus on finding trends to personalize music sales. Creating a series of procedures, functions, and triggers using PL/SQL to better understand the information in the database is very helpful for the company.

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Sam Smith

Sam Smith

The story of Sam Smith was a group collaboration where we created a story of a high school senior using our past experiences. With a lot of people writing one unite story, we are able to create something beautiful such as the story of Sam Smith.

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The purpose of this project is to innovate a new product and do research regarding the creation of this project while developing strategies to lead, innovate, and solve problems for this product. Through this project I learn what it is like to create a startup from the ground up. I learned the details it take to rent a working space, sell products, and many more.

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Business Writing

Business Writing

For this project I wrote a white paper about different programming text editors. I conducted primary and secondary research to write the best paper with a lot of supports.

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Using C, we created a fun game where users have to go through an adventure story in order to pick their character's destiny. One wrong move can cause the user's computer to run out of memory; therefore, crash.

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The following document was for CNIT 280 - System Analysis & Design class. The goal of this project is to create a system for a real estate company called "Home Sweet Home".

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Drones vs. Privacy In The Modern Era

The following report will look at the history of drones, the ethical future of the technology, and specific court cases and laws regarding privacy and drones in different countries. Having smartphones everywhere started the end of the era of privacy, and drones are going to put the nail in the coffin

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Solving Big Data

If We Didn't Solve Small Data in the Past, How Can We Solve Big Data Today?

In the past, there are many methods that could help makes the prediction more accurate. However, some have failed. In this research paper, I adress the important question that the modern world needs to address: “If we didn't solve small data in the past, how can we solve Big Data today?”

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Fresh Express

Fresh Express

In this report for a project management class, we invented a vending machine that only has healthy options in order to promote healthy lifestyle among college students. This report includes human resource plan, project charter/scope, stakeholders, work breakdown structure, budget plan, risks assessment, and more.

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Entity Relationship Diagram

Restaurant Entity Relationship Diagram

This ERD was for an intro to database class where the group designed, created, and updated a restaurant database. Using Oracle database, we performed various SQL statement in order to achieve our goals.

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